Thursday, May 15, 2008

Forum - Week 7 - Tristram Cary

First there was nothing...

This week's forum was devoted to Tristram Cary, electronic artist and founder of the Electronic Music Unit we all know and love. Tristram's contribution to the world of electronic music is immeasurable, so I was glad we paid tribute to him after his passing. I thought if would be fitting to do a photoshoppery featuring the man himself in his rightful place, considering that's all I'm good at. I have since been informed the concept of this picture may be somewhat taboo, but until I'm asked to remove it I think it'll stay up.

Whittington, Stephen. “Tristram Cary.” Workshop presented at EMU Space, Level 5, Schultz building, University of Adelaide, 1st of May 2008.


DJ Reverie said...

good to see the photoshopery is still happening

Freddie said...

lol. Love the pic.

Tyrell Blackburn said...

"Love the pic."
I second that.