Monday, April 09, 2007

Forum - Week 6 - Back to Shkool

While everyone else was livin' it up at forum, I took part in a Primary School visit as a part of Music Education. Linden Park Primary was our destination, where we sat in on a choir rehearsal for a group of 4 or so classes. I was amazed at how the teacher could maintain control of so many children at once, and it made me glad I'll be teaching Secondary School (although Year 9s have quite a reputation). I found the best part of the day was when I bought some hot chips afterwards, and shared them with fellow classmates before the bus arrived- got back some brownie points with the ones who hate me.

Our upcoming school visits have raised a question- why are we visiting Primary Schools? As far as I knew, I can only teach Secondary School when I finish my degree. Perhaps I could get a job as a specialist music teacher in a Primary School, although I have never been told this is an option. I found it particularly rude when half of the class showed up 40 minutes late, interrupting the choir while they were entering. How hard is it to catch a bus? Jenny even gave us the bus times and bus stops, so I don't see why it was such a problem.

Something I noticed about the school- there were red buildings, red sidewalks, even red uniforms. I wondered, could the curriculum also be 'red'? It seemed to be a bit of a theme, and this classroom poster didn't help:

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1 comment:

John said...

Red buildings, red uniforms and red sidewalks and a red curriculum. That's how it's going to be Comrad.