Wednesday, April 09, 2008

CC3 - Week 5 - Sound Generation (0)

This is not a markable entry. This week has thrown me about quite a bit, so I guess I'll have to take another 0. I had spent a while creating ambience codes that "demonstrate (my) understanding of unit generators", then reread the planner only to spot that every patch must use either mouse or envelope. This might have been okay for retrospective implementation if MouseX/Y actually worked in PsyCollider. I doubt I'll have the time to use the Macs until Friday afternoon (MusEd and cello work due Thursday, working Thursday night, MusEd due Friday).

I guess planning and prioritising are the two main skills that one must possess to be successful at University, so I don't doubt it's my own fault. I may have to scale back the amount of (paid) work I'm doing, as I have been working all Saturday, Sunday and Monday, then Thursday nights as well. Also I've been falling asleep around 5-6pm while I'm trying to do homework, which tends to wreck my study time. Right now I'm writing this at 2am after waking up on the couch with PsyCollider still running. Maybe it was the ocean sound I was creating...
// Ocean Breeze

{ // Main controller
a = freq: 0.2,
iphase: 3,
mul: (, 0.3, 0.4)),
add: 1

// Create noise and stereoise
b = [ a, a ] );

// Change bandwidth according to "a"
c =, a*150+250, 0.8);



unknown said...

Use JMouseX/JMouseY instead. You'll also need a control surface, so execute the following line once your program is running:

Are you using the 3.2 release?

Ben said...

I knew about JMouse, but I couldn't get it working. The makeGUI didn't seem to work, but my PsyCollider boots weirdly anyway and I don't think Java is working. I assume I have the latest version, I only downloaded it 5 weeks ago.

Thanks for the help anyway.

weimer said...

i dig it very much

Ben said...

Pink noise is king. It makes white noise sound like random frequencies.

Poppi said...

...and gray noise is Queen.

Ben said...

...and brown noise is just shit.