Thursday, April 03, 2008

Forum - Week 5 - Pierre Henry

Music Technology Forum has almost always maintained an engaging and thought-provoking medium for technology-based talk, however this week was quite disappointing. Watching a 90 minute video on Pierre Henry is not what I would call a successful use of 2 hours, particularly because all of the second and third years would already know who he is and what he did. I understand that Henry helped to develop Music Technology to what it is today, but that is seriously all we need to know. How he did it, using now outdated technology, is rather irrelevant in the context of Music Technology today.

1. Stephen Whittington. "Music Technology Forum - Week 5 - Pierre Henry." Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 3rd April 2008.


John said...

Ben, I think you have truly outdone yourself this time.

Ben said...

Yes, that last five minutes of forum was my most productive ever ;-)

Freddie said...

"Surely being a weirdo doesn't make you a genius."

but does being a genius make you a weirdo?

Ben said...
