Thursday, September 18, 2008

Forum | Week 8 | My Favourite Things III

David "Dirty Harry" Harris was back in the driver's seat this week, and steered the bumbling cohort of disenchanted musicians (also known as Mus-Tech Students) towards the insanity of David Lynch. I have seen very little of David Lynch's films, but apparently Eraserhead was a good place to start. Well, so I was told, however I found myself developing a rather shocking headache throughout the movie. I know it's kind-of the point, but I found all of the scenes in which the conversations travel at snail's pace so incredibly, incredibly boring. Silence is only funny for so long, then it just gets old.

From a sound-design aspect, the film was very interesting, but the tedium of the on-screen action (using the term loosely), particularly in the first half hour, was often too overwhelming to maintain my interest in any aspect of the film.

David Harris. "Music Technology Forum - Semester 2, Week 8 - My Favourite Things III." Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 18/09/2008.

1 comment:

Poppi said...

'..I found myself developing a rather shocking headache throughout the movie. I know it's kind-of the point...'

No no no!! This film is recommended viewing to all those [couples] considering having their first child..and perhaps also those considering combining parenting and an artistic career.

Lynch is an artistic genius. I recommend 'Twin Peaks', the TV Series (n.b. the more episodes watched in one sitting, the better) and 'Lost Highway' (if nothing else, it has a cool soundtrack).

See also:
