Wednesday, August 15, 2007

CC2 - Week 3 - Polyphony and Instancing

This week's exploration of instancing seems to be a very important topic when it comes to audio rate data; the relief that the poly~ object would allow the CPU would be very beneficial to the smooth use of the program. A bit of a brain teaser this week was ensuring that the output from the poly object did not 'red-line'. Clip on output, in other words. This was solved by dividing the number of instances by 1, then multiplying the output by that number, eg. 8 instances= amplitude is decreased by 0.125. This ensured the optimal volume for any number of voices. I won't beat you over the head with pictures, as most of the patches look almost identical to these.

Inside bkp.cycle.poly.pat

Inside bkp.phasor.poly.pat

Phasor.poly help file.

Here are the patches.

This sound file is pretty plain, but you get the idea.
~MP3 82KB~

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