Tuesday, March 11, 2008

CC3 - Week 1 - Introduction to SuperCollider (1)

An inauspicious start to the year. With such a vast amount of computer language terminology and logic to absorb in one (very busy) week, I'd be lying if I said it was fun. So-called "help" files aside, I have managed to gain enough understanding to somewhat fluently create mathematical equations using SuperC, to the extent that was covered in class. As for the other set tasks, "putting words into sentences" was a little vague so I assumed the sentences could span across lines in the post window, and "printing an input string multiple times" was seemingly out of reach, despite the 45 minutes spent.

My first impression of the actual sound-creating example codes was surprise, as such a small amount of code is required for some very interesting sonic results. Unfortunately, after I tried writing my own 'functions', I can now see that even a small amount of code can take hours, and I assume creating something that is aurally pleasing would add even more hours of trial and error to the mix.


Haines, Christian. "Creative Computing - Week 1 - Introduction to SuperCollider (1)". Lecture presented at Tutorial room 408, Level 4, Schultz Building, University of Adelaide, 6th March, 2008.


David J Dowling said...

Quoting ben:

"Unfortunately, after I tried writing my own 'functions', I can now see that even a small amount of code can take hours"

That's because you're a Moron.


Ben said...

I see 'moron' comes with a capital 'm' now. I must have missed that English class.