Tuesday, March 18, 2008

CC3 - Week 2 - Introduction to Supercollider (2)

This week was slightly easier than last week. Exercise 1 involved embedding an if function within the 'no' answer of another if function. Exercise 2 meant adding in an additional equation to discern the frequency deviation. Exercise 3 and 4 required copypasting from the class notes. Ex. 5 meant changing the for from 4 to a forBy, allowing customised step size. Ex. 6 used the switch control, and Ex. 7 was just 6 with an added modulo and different names.

As I completed this in PsyCollider, I saved it in .sc format, which I know is recognised by Mac.


Haines, Christian. “Creative Computing – Week 2 – “Intro to SuperCollider (2).” Lecture presented at Tutorial Room 408, Level 4, Schultz building, University of Adelaide, 13th of March 2008.

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