Monday, September 03, 2007

CC2 - Week 5 - Synthesis (2) - Vibrato, FM and Waveshaping.

The outcomes of FM synthesis seem to be far richer than additive synthesis- the most complex sound can come about so easily, sometimes in under a minute. I look forward to utilising this synthesis technique in my major project. I encountered some issues when trying to incorporate a 'function' envelope into the harmonicity ratio in the help file, as I wanted a choice between either a static value or enveloped. The solution ended up using a combination of gate and gate~, so only one of the controls can be used at a time. I apologise for the lack of interesting interfaces, but as you may have guessed this was all a little last minute.

FM synthesiser

FM synth GUI

FM synth help file

Here is the interesting sonic result.
~MP3 294KB~

And here's the patches.

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