Wednesday, September 05, 2007

CC2 - Week 6 - Sampling 1

What's this? My OWN work? How wonderful. I have figured out that the weekly Max tasks are a lot less tedious if I try to make them fun, ie. base the whole thing on James Brown (rest in peace).

I created my own samples from James Brown songs (I enjoy creating loops for some reason) and the picture is just from Google images. Another way to make it fun is by not doing the poly~ version, as this doubles the time taken and total tedium in patch creation. I will probably do it eventually, but you know how it is.

I was tentative about putting white sliders in, but brown ones were too hard to see over the red (and I had to have red to match the clothes). Get Funky!

Sonic result
~MP3 885KB~

Patch files
~PAT 1.96MB~

[1] Christian Haines. "Creative Computing: Semester 2, Week 6. Sampling I." Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 30/08/2007.[2]

[2] John Delany. "Creative Computing: Semester 2, Week 6. Sampling I." Blog reference at


Freddie said...

What the hell is that a picture of? One of Bert Newton's old wigs?

Ben said...

Yeaargh, your comment no longer be valid. Yeeeaargh!

Freddie said...

Yeaargh indeed.

Ben said...

In any case, it was a "Sea Potato".
