Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Forum - Week 6 - Physical Computing

Square wave in ya face! This week was my first experience with physical computing, and undoubtedly not my last. Controlling physical circuits with Max and vice-versa was good fun (when it worked), and it seems like there would be a huge range of possibilities when introducing a computer to a simple circuit.

The above video shows a Max slider controlling the data flow into the breadboard, which not surprisingly has a square wave sound (what with those 0's and 1's). The following video shows how we created the square wave sound without Max, using a potentiometer instead.

As you cannot see the circuit very well in the video, here's a photo of it.

The final exercise was the most interesting- controlling sliders in Max with voltage variations on a circuit. Jake and I did not get this working until 10 minutes after the lesson had finished, so unfortunately I have no video. This exercise sparked ideas of visual permutations dependent on voltage, which may even crawl into my forum instrument somehow...

Christian Haines. “Forum – Week 6 – Physical Computing.” Workshop presented at the Audio Lab, Level 4, Schultz Building, University of Adelaide, 30th of August 2007.

Sebastian Tomczak. “Forum – Week 6 – Physical Computing.” Workshop presented at the Audio Lab, Level 4, Schultz Building, University of Adelaide, 30th of August 2007.[1]

1. David Dowling "Forum - Week 7 - Physical Computing." Blog entry reference. Online

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