Wednesday, September 12, 2007

CC2 - Week 7 - Sampling II

Continuing with my enjoyment from last week, I have gone all black and white in order to create an old-school granulation synthesiser- just like mama used to make. Those signalmeter~'s are soo retro...

As you can see, I have taken the knowledgeable face of Sigmund "Ol' Dirty Bastard" Freud and used it as a distraction from the rest of the patch. Genius, no? Jake and I used a different object to the prescribed "ranger" one, as this new one actually provides visual reference to the wavetable for range selection. A problem we encountered was envelope placement outside of the poly~ object- it just can't be done successfully. It would work very, very easily if function objects could be sent data straight from other function objects, however this is always unsuccessful. Before you say that it's possible, TRY IT. The function object is an absolute joke, and I hope we don't have to use it for much longer.

A last minute addition was my panning... thingy. As seen below, a random number between 0 and 1 is picked and that number increases the volume of one channel and decreases the other proportionally. Eg. the number 0.80 is picked, so the right channel volume is multiplied by 0.8 and the left channel is multiplied by 0.2. The result of this is pretty good, as each instance in the poly~ has it's own pan value set each time the instance occurs, and the grain plays at this pan position until the grain is finished.

Remember, a Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother...

Patch and wavetable files
~ZIP 540KB~

Sonic result
~MP3 670KB~

Christian Haines. “Creative Computing Week 7, Sampling II.” Lecture presented at Tutorial Room 408, Level 4, Schultz building, University of Adelaide, 6th of September, 2007.


weimer said...

here here 'function' is crap

Ben said...

I believe the name 'function' is itself a Freudian slip.